Monday, February 21, 2011

My own, personal opinion of Slumgod Millionaire

I hadn’t seen this film before, and to be honest it never really interested me or stood out. I felt no desire to watch it. Maybe because this genre of film doesn’t particularly grab my attention. But after watching this film my opinions changed. I found that some parts weren’t enjoyable at all, such the scene where they harmed the children in order for them to get more money from begging on the streets. Or the scene where he jumps down the long drop. They were quite disgusting actually. And hearing that this movie shows things that happen now, in this time. The way people are treated in the movie resembles how they are treated in real life, really got to me. I was shocked because I had no idea it was that bad. But other parts were reasonably happy, well, hopeful. Like the scene where Jamal tells Latika that he will be waiting at the train station every day at 5pm for her, and then, she turns up. For a moment, there is hope that they can finally be together. It doesn’t last long.
Because of the way the movie was honest about what it is like in some areas of India, like the, basically torturing of children so that people will have more sympathy and be more inclined to give them money because they feel bad. I would say I am not the only person who wasn’t aware of how harsh it is over there. And I do believe that it opened people’s eyes and shocked them. Not just the way people were treated, but the way people lived and the conditions they were in.
It isn’t my favourite movie, and not in my top 10. But it was a good movie. At the start of the film I wasn’t sure what I was going to think of it. I really didn’t think I would like it at all. But I ended up finding it pretty decent, I’m  probably bias because this type of movie usually wouldn’t interest me at all. So I wouldn’t incredibly enjoy it because it’s just not what I normally enjoy to watch, so my opinion was slightly made before I viewed the film. I was pleasantly surprised though. But the fact that this movie was realistic and horrible, depressing in some parts but hopeful in others was nice because it gave you a break from all the sadness in their lives and tried to focus on the good.
All in all, I feel that this movie was about hope, and how sometimes, even when everything it against you, you can still find happiness and your luck can change. I feel like this movie was also a big eye opener for many people.  

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