Monday, February 7, 2011


·         A shot:
A shot is a piece of filming from where the camera is turned on until when it stops.
Example: In the black swan where she is on the wings of the stage is one shot, crying. It lasts from when she is there until they show the instructor/director coming towards her, across the stage.
·         Edit:
An edit in a film is where one shot ends and another begins.
Example: An example of this would be where the shot of her crying ends and they move on to show you him walking across the stage.
·         Scene:
A scene is a collection of shots, arranged in order to make sense.
Example: A scene in black swan could be showing her dancing on stage, they show her from the audience’s point of view, and then the show another shot of her up closer, and then they might show everything from her perspective, what she can see.
·         Frame:
The frame is the boarder or edge of the screen. People walk into the frame and out of the frame. That is how you would see them in the picture and then they would just walk out of the frame, out of sight.
Example: When they show a scene (cafe, bar, a park) And people are running across the grass (in and then out of the frame) or when someone gets up form their seat and leaves the cafe. They leave the frame.
·         Framing:
Framing is when they choose what images the audience gets to see on the screen.
Example: If there is a scene where they are showing a telephone conversation, and they’re only showing one end of the conversation, you cannot see the other participant.
·         Diegesis:
The diegesis is everything in the world of the film. From the noises the characters herd, the events in the film that the audience doesn’t see.
Example: In Shortland Street when the doctor guy is in the car park underground and he thinks he hears someone walking towards him, but he can’t see them.
·         Mise-en-scene
This is basically the props used. Clothing included.
Example: for example in home and away they have cups, plates, chairs, tables etc at the diner.
·         Cinematography:
Cinematography is the art and technique of film making.
·         Editing:
Editing would be taking out the scenes not needed, the incorrect ones. Voice over etc.
Example: There are always scenes that don’t get put into movies. Ones that don’t seem necessary, or just scenes that have been filmed several times, only the best one will get used.
·         Sound:
Sounds are very important in cinematography as you would know. Background sounds like the birds chirping or wind. Then you have the actors talking. Or noises that are meant to be herd like a door knocking.
Example: In a car accident scene you may be hearing the car screeching to stop.
·         What is a narrative:
A narrative is basically the story being told, in either writing or by voice.
Example: At the start of ‘The series of unfortunate events’ Lemony Snickett is narrating. He is describing a bit about each three of the children, while you see shots of each.  
·         What is a genre:
A genre is the style of a film or the category it falls under. Such as horror, romance, comedy. Etc.
Example: The movie remember the titans might fall under the drama genre.
·         What is Intertextuality:
Intertextuality is when the film makes reference to another, makes you think of a certain story line, character, and situation in another film. It is also what a parody does.
Example: The motion picture “Epic Movie” makes reference to several films such as Narnia by the costumes, characters, story line, etc.

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