Monday, February 28, 2011

A scene from - Remember The Titans.

  • Two camera angles: what they are and how they are used.
  1. The second shot you in the clip see is a long shot which shows the setting. The team practicing in the dark on a field with only a few lights. The team is training at night which suggests they have been working non-stop and are working hard on their goal. And that the coaches are pushing them hard. 
  2. Extreme close-up shots were used when showing a close up of only the players faces, just before they started playing. This shows their concentration towards the game and the sweat on their faces also shows that they have been working hard.
  • One sound convection
  1. The background music at the end of the scene sounds triumphant, which allows the viewer to believe that the team is really coming together.

  • Pace - count the shots and give this info meaning
46 shots within 1 minute and 42 seconds. The scene is not such a fast paced scene, but it seems that when they start playing the game the shots become shorter and quicker. The pace picks up when they are starting to play, the shots get quicker because it is a fast game. And this shows the excitement and the speed of the game.

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